My 5 F’s

My 5 F’s

By: Roy Terracina


At the end of each month, I spend time grading myself on 5 key pillars of my life. Faith, Family, Fitness, Finances, and Fun. I call them my 5 F’s. A long time ago I identified these 5 F’s as the most important things to my own best life.

1. Faith- Am I putting God first as a priority? Am I making the time to practice my spirituality daily.

2. Family- I talk to each of my adult children every day. I cherish those relationships and need to make sure that I continue put the time and energy into the people I care about.

3. Fitness- I work out everyday and have for almost my entire life. First of all, I enjoy it. Also staying fit, gives me the energy and health to continue to support the rest of my life.

4. Finances- Controlling my finances gives me the capability to help others. I don’t feel the need to acquire wealth, money is just a tool that enables me to do so, and therefore I must be mindful of it.

5. Fun-Life should be enjoyed. Laugh. Eat with friends. Go on adventures. Travel. Fun needs to be a part of our daily lives.

Grading myself each month on these 5 pillars gives me a sense of accountability and balance. If I look on the month and come to the realization that I am neglecting one of my core pillars, I know that I’m not living my life that way I want and I need to strive to do better. This requires me to be honest with myself, which is not always easy for a person to do. But if I’m serious about continuing to be better, it’s an essential part of my journey.

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Wisdom and Insights from Roy Terracina

Roy Terracina

Born in Chicago and started boxing as a youth. Boxing taught me the value of Self control and discipline. Went on to school at Marquette Univ., where I received both BS and MBA in Finance. I had many different business disciplines until I purchased a company in San Antonio at age 37! Successfully ran and sold the business 10 years later and began a life of travel, fitness , learning always focusing on my family and five wonderful children. At age 74, was asked to take over a tech startup, which is about to break into a new and exciting time of growth.

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