BTN Series: Know Yourself: Unlocking Full Potential Through Self Knowledge

Beyond The Noise

BTN Series: Know Yourself: Unlocking Full Potential Through Self Knowledge

Renown clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst, Dr. Bill Anton from CEO Effectiveness, explores how truly high performers are able to unlock greater levels of personal and professional fulfillment through self-knowledge.

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Length: 5:04 minutes

Summary: Psychologist and psychoanalyst, Dr. Bill Anton from CEO Effectiveness explores how high achievers commonly over-emphasize parts of the personality that lead them to high achievement, while neglecting the other areas of the person. This often begins at an early age as we develop mental models and stories we tell ourselves about who we are, what we're good at, and how we believe other people perceive us. If unaware this can lead to dangerous imbalances that ultimately lead to poor performance, unhappiness, and being unfulfilled in our personal and professional lives. Highlights: -"All extremely high levels of achievement come at the expense of other areas of the personality." - "Our relationship with ourselves is the upper limit of the relationship we can have with anyone else." - Top Performers can overemphasize parts of their personality or skills that they associate with success, just like an Olympic athlete can become overspecialized. But this has very little integration with the rest of their life.

Length: 6:13 minutes

Psychologist and psychoanalyst, Dr. Bill Anton from CEO Effectiveness explores the influence of the subconscious and why areas of our personality can be influenced by the subconscious. Learning to bring the conscious and unconscious parts of our personality has little to do mastering skills or content, but more about self-exploration and self-knowledge so we can reach areas of fulfillment personally and professionally. Highlights: -"The unconscious mind is always ahead of the conscious mind in either the right or wrong direction." -"Think of the horse as a subconscious and the rider as the conscious mind." -"Knowing yourself has more to yielding to your higher nature... being willing to explore the areas of your personality that you don't know more so than mastery of content." -"We contribute to what we see, then use what we observe to validate what we already believe." -"We confuse our functional ability with our capability."

Length: 6:39 minutes

Clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst, Dr. Bill Anton from CEO Effectiveness, discusses the actual neurological structures in our brain that are hardwired to keep us alive, but unfortunately are keeping from us from our best lives. Highlights -We have neuroplasticity throughout our lives, the ability to change. -"Our brains interpret ambiguity as danger." - We come hardwired for survival and the fight or flight response; however, we no longer live in a world where danger is constantly present.

Length: 7:01 minutes

Clinical psychologist and founder of CEO Effectiveness,Bill Anton, on how self-knowledge improves interpersonal communication and leadership. Highlights "If you can't forgive yourself, you can't forgive others." If you're hiding from yourself, you're hiding from the people you love... and they detect it." "Knowledge, skills, and ability are threshold competencies... a leader has to be much more than that if they really want a team that operates at a level of high performance and commitment."

Length: 5:00 minutes

Clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst, Dr. Bill Anton from CEO Effectiveness, discuss how top performers can work past fear and overcome the ambiguity of the future. Highlights "I think people really need to spend more time wondering who they are and what they are missing because almost 100% of the time the discovery is a release and a step up, not a step down." "What happens to us in childhood is because we believe we're not good enough or that we need to be better... we create an ideal self that is only a fraction of the real self." Stimulation of the frontal lobes and building hierarchy in the brain.