

By: Donald M. Rattner


It’s understood that spaciousness is more conducive to creativity. But it is not realistic for people to simply raise their ceilings or build expensive additions to increase their home or work area’s space. However, the brain will respond the same to strategies that give the feeling of spaciousness.

1. Optical Illusions For Space
It’s possible to make a small room feel more spacious by using cosmetic designs such as vertical stripes on walls or other decorative means.

2. Reconfigure Your Workspace
Rearranging your desk to face into the room rather than up against a wall, can create a sense of expansiveness and open-minded thinking.

3. Expanding Your Perception of Space
Try incorporating decoration such as landscapes into your workspace. This is shown to create an relaxed, expansive feeling in the brain which leads to more creativity.

4. Emotional Connectivity to Your Space
It’s shown the having a positive emotional connection to your space will lead to more creativity. Do you enjoy being in that work area? If not, you’re less likely to produce creative work. It’s usually worth investing some energy into making your space a place you enjoy being in.

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Wisdom and Insights from Donald M. Rattner

Donald M. Rattner

Architect Donald M. Rattner helps individuals and organizations become more innovative by applying scientific research to the design of physical space. His most recent book is "My Creative Space: How to Design Your Home to Stimulate Ideas and Spark Innovation, 48 Science-based Techniques," which has won six awards and been ranked an Amazon bestseller.

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