Wisdom and Insights from Bradley Binversie
We can have an easy life or a meaningful life, but probably not both.
If we reflect on the accomplishments that we are most proud of, they are usually something that required us to struggle, preserve, dedicate ourselves, and only then perhaps reach our goal. This struggle and dedication is a large part of what gives our lives purpose. If we made a hole in one every time we played golf, it would not be enjoyable. It’s the challenge that golf give us that makes us feel special (and often frustrated). It is as if we’re striving for some form of perfection that is unattainable. This is why people dedicate themselves to something that is larger themselves. Here are a few of countless examples:
• Being a parent is not easy, but it’s one of the most meaningful experiences a person will ever have.
• Building a happy, lasting marriage is a lot of hard work, but deeply rewarding.
• Building a business requires a lot of sacrifice and perseverance….
• Developing skills, abilities, or knowledge all require a lot of time and energy…
• Try living out all the teaching of your faith. As a human you will sin and you will fall short. But it’s still worth pursuing….
The dreams of never having stress, never struggling, never worrying about finances, and living in a paradise without any challenges would be a very boring existence and I would imagine not a very happy life. So we shouldn’t wish for an easy life, because it means it likely won’t be meaningful.
I think it is healthy to acknowledge that in order to have a meaningful life we will struggle and encounter difficulties. So pursue a life that is deeply and increasingly meaningful to you, but understand it won’t always be easy.
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Wisdom and Insights from Bradley Binversie