Behavior Change: Eliminate the Lead Up

Behavior Change: Eliminate the Lead Up

By: Bradley Binversie


I spoke with a priest, Father Alex Steinmiller, recently and we talked about human behavior. Most harmful behaviors, we already know are harmful. Yet why do we do them? Lack of information?

People know they should exercise…. But they don’t, even if they want to.
People know they should eat healthy… but they don’t, even if they have good intentions.

We have unlimited information on most subjects, so it’s not that. Are we just not disciplined enough to change our own behavior? My mom always says that most “people would rather die than change”…. Even when they want to.

Father Alex told me, that if we want to change our behavior we need to analyze and eliminate the lead-up actions that trigger the undesired behavior. What situation, people, events, or patterns trigger this undesired behavior? Eliminate the lead-up actions that trigger the undesired behavior.

Analogy: If you don’t want to eat junk food, don’t have it in the house.

This makes sense, as Dr. Robert Cooper says, “Neurons that fire together, wire together.” Relying on our own discipline to change our behavior is nearly impossible if we keep following the same routines and patterns. This might mean altering where we spend time and who we spend our time with, ect. But it gives us a significantly better chance of making the behavior change we desire.

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Wisdom and Insights from Bradley Binversie

Bradley Binversie

I am NOT an expert, but as co-founder of Exclusivia, I am so lucky that I get to learn from some of the best and brightest minds from around the world. We honestly originally built Exclusivia as a tool that I could use as well as my close friends. Little did we know that it would grow and expand so much, so even though I will most likely never be as intelligent and accomplished as the real experts sharing their insights, the team and I felt it would be worthwhile to let our other members get to know me a little bit more and see firsthand how I'm using Exclusivia to help build my own best life.

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