Hungry Eyes

Hungry Eyes

By: Exclusivia Team


“Not seeing Your Eyes Doesn’t Whisper, It Shouts”-Thomas Desotell
How often do we discuss body language with team members at work or family members? Probably very little is my guess, but the best leaders make this a priority.

In my brief time with Coach Tom Desotell, I learned more about the importance of body language than anywhere else. One of his points of focus was the eyes of the people.
Coach would always say that a person needs to listen with “Hungry Eyes.” Listening and communication are active processes. Both the speaker and the listener must be active participants. “Hungry eyes” means that the listener is actively giving eye contact and responding to the conversation with their eyes and body language.

“Listen with your eyes.”

In a world of increasing distraction and noise, this is something that needs to be spoken about more often. In the professional world, work from home and remote teamwork is increasingly more common. Do we discuss the importance of all team members are practicing good body language and listening with their eyes on zoom calls? Or do we skirt around the issue and allow people to dial in passively?

I’ve given training and mentoring sessions where the participants did not even turn on their camera. Reflecting back, I have no idea if the content they received was valuable, if they were buying in, or if their attention was focused elsewhere. This is not something I will not let happen anymore.

“You either coach it, or you allow it to happen.”
Body language and actively listening are crucial to building trust and effective communication. In the busyness and blur of today’s world making this a priority might feel “unimportant” or like a small detail, but I believe it’s never been more important to a business, family, or any group that needs to work together in a meaningful way.

*This wisdom was written by Brad Binversie from the Exclusivia Team in coordination with the teachings of Coach Thomas Desotell.

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Wisdom and Insights from Exclusivia Team

Exclusivia Team

The main purpose of Exclusivia was to help people “Cut Through The Noise” to live their own best life. We were tired and overwhelmed with the constant bombardment of things that do not really matter. Our team members all have different interests in our own best lives. So what we’ve tried to do is compile wisdom and tools that we believe reduce friction and streamline a person’s life.

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