It’s Not About You

It’s Not About You

By: Roy Terracina


The very first sentence of Rick Warren’s book, The Purpose Driven Life is “It’s Not About You.” If you read this line and nothing else, that would be enough to change your life. Since reading that, it’s been a resounding theme throughout my life.

Everyone should re-read that line and remind themselves of this every day. So many people feel lost. Many of them young men chasing their careers and money. If we think about others, help others, and put the needs of others first we will have a life full of purpose and full of meaning.

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Wisdom and Insights from Roy Terracina

Roy Terracina

Born in Chicago and started boxing as a youth. Boxing taught me the value of Self control and discipline. Went on to school at Marquette Univ., where I received both BS and MBA in Finance. I had many different business disciplines until I purchased a company in San Antonio at age 37! Successfully ran and sold the business 10 years later and began a life of travel, fitness , learning always focusing on my family and five wonderful children. At age 74, was asked to take over a tech startup, which is about to break into a new and exciting time of growth.

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