

By: Exclusivia Team


It pays to be an optimist. However, optimism requires immense courage.

If we look at the world, the optimists usually are the ones shaping it. They’re inventing new technologies, building new companies, making better investments, and having more fulfilling personal and spiritual lives.

Optimists are not happy all the time, or wildly joyful “Cup Half Full” people. They are careful and thoughtful. They’re certainly not reckless gamblers. However, optimists tend to have a belief that if they give their time and energy to the right things on a consistent basis that over the long haul, things will work out.

Real optimism is just fortitude by another name. Fortitude in pursuit of purpose. When a person has a larger purpose, they’re able to dust themselves off and keep going in a positive direction.

Pessimists and the overtly negative people might sound smart as they point out all the reasons why something won’t work or can’t happen. Sometimes they are smart, but sometimes they’re covering up their own lack of fortitude by quitting before they’ve tried. Being an optimist requires a long-term view of the world so that emotion does not overly impact your decision making. Some examples of this:

The optimists usually tend to make the best of the situations with their family and friends. This is a self-fulfilling feedback loop. The optimists understand not every moment of their relationships will be perfect, but CHOOSE to work hard on the relationships because the relationships are important to them. This choice to work hard and seek out the good, provides the foundation for the relationships to be better.

A pessimist’s relationship may begin to spiral because they can’t see the good, don’t want to put in the work to see the good, or unwilling to put effort into the difficulties.
So, it can all quickly become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

How many couples divorce when going through the normal, everyday challenges that marriage presents? Divorce is a permanent decision that impacts them, their children, families, and finances. Would these couples still get divorced if they slowed down and asked themselves is this just a tough temporary period, or is it a permanent situation that cannot possibly be rectified? What are the long-term consequences of our decisions? Are there no positives in our relationship and our family structure that are worth doing the hard work on?

Historically speaking it’s paid to be an optimist over the long term. Going throughout history there have been dangers and reasons not to invest: World wars, heavy inflation, Cuban missile crisis, Desert Storm, Iraq wars, Vietnam, the rise of Communism, the assignation of JFK, pandemics, race riots, ect. Yes, there have been short term volatility during many difficult/uncertain times, but the economies and stock market have rewarded those who stayed invested during times of uncertainty. In this case, historically it has literally paid to be an optimist.

Nearly every business at one point or another faced difficulties where it looked like the business would not make it. The leaders and team members who had the persistent optimism to keep going when the outcome was uncertain.

Some cynics criticize people of faith as simple, dumb, or believing in fantasy stories. Yet, what could be more courageous than having absolutely no proof yet choosing to believe? To dedicate yourself to a life of principle. This optimism and purpose may be the ultimate act of bravery and fortitude. Statistics show that people who practice faith experience greater levels of happiness and fulfillment in their relationships and lives. The optimism that is required for faith, most likely prepares people to overcome the difficulties and challenges in their lives.

An important word to recognize is uncertainty. We seek certainty, but the future is unclear. Optimists know it is unclear, they know that there’s a chance that things might not work out, but they persevere anyways.

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Exclusivia Team

The main purpose of Exclusivia was to help people “Cut Through The Noise” to live their own best life. We were tired and overwhelmed with the constant bombardment of things that do not really matter. Our team members all have different interests in our own best lives. So what we’ve tried to do is compile wisdom and tools that we believe reduce friction and streamline a person’s life.

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