Sheepdog Mentality

Sheepdog Mentality

By: Exclusivia Team


Have you watched a flock of sheep? Sheep are not intelligent animals. Given the chance they will aimlessly wander away, becoming lost or eaten by predators.

Sheepdogs have been used for thousands of years to keep the herd together, keep them safe, and keep them organized. It is a tireless job that never ends. The sheepdog is always vigilant and always working. If a sheepdog relaxes or loses focus, a sheep will wander off.

Coach Tom Desotell and The Point College were the first place that I heard about the “sheepdog mentality” and its importance in team building. The “sheepdog mentality” means that we are always working to keep the team in shape and moving in the direction it needs to be. This is an incredibly important concept in work, family, and any situation that requires collaboration.
The leaders of the team must have a sheepdog mentality, but that’s not enough. The leaders must teach and encourage everyone to participate in the sheepdog mentality. A culture and environment where everyone is a sheepdog, will ensure that accountability, hard work, and focus keep the team organized and moving in the right direction. It builds an environment that lifts everyone up.

One of the misconceptions about this type of thinking is that it’s micromanaging. But again, watch the sheepdog closely as it does not unnecessarily bother the herd. Everything it does with meaningful purpose. It does not waste energy, bark at them, excite them, or scare them without a reason. It maintains a proper watchful eye and communication with the sheep so that it can act when necessary.

There will be those in every team that resist the the “sheepdog” mentality. But as leader, find the few who will buy in and empower them. Creating this kind of mentality even in just a few team members, will start to transform the entirety of the team over time.

*This piece was written by Bradley Binversie in collaboration with Coach Thomas Desotell.

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Exclusivia Team

The main purpose of Exclusivia was to help people “Cut Through The Noise” to live their own best life. We were tired and overwhelmed with the constant bombardment of things that do not really matter. Our team members all have different interests in our own best lives. So what we’ve tried to do is compile wisdom and tools that we believe reduce friction and streamline a person’s life.

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