Wisdom and Insights from Bradley Binversie
When success is measured, it’s usually not the smartest or most talented people that are successful but the people that have the GRIT and fortitude to persevere when times are difficult. The combination of passion and perseverance ultimately leads to great success. This applies to everything: business, personal relationships, and life.
Most really successful entrepreneurs have stories about failing again and again until they figured the right formula. They have the grit and fortitude to continue on and look for solutions even when they’re probably facing enormous amounts of pressure and uncertainty financially and personally. The vast majority of people just don’t have the the grit it takes to soldier on through that difficult times.
Another good example is marriage and relationships. Every single relationship will face challenges and difficult times, but having the ability to continue forward committing to the relationship because it’s important is probably one of the factors that lead to long lasting, successful relationships.
When I’m building a team or bringing people into my life, this is one of the major character traits I’m looking for. I want people who will commit to getting the job done or being a good friend come what may.
If you’re looking for more scientific research on the topic, I’d recommend Angela Duckworth’s book, “GRIT”.
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Wisdom and Insights from Bradley Binversie