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Be It Before You Become It“You’ve got to be it before you can become it.”- Nick Saban There’s a belief that you magically reach a certain level of achievement or excellence, then the rest of what is necessary will emerge. I will be great then….…

Interdisciplinary Approach Needed For CreativityI believe all of the problems that we face require an interdisciplinary approach to solving. No one skill or idea tackles the complexity of life. We need to encourage the development of individual unique talents in individuals and even our…

Fear and UnderstandingThe beliefs, attitudes, aims, and motives that underlie our behavior are only partially accessible to us at any point in time. A commitment to psychological growth is a commitment to enlarge consciousness. Much of David Whyte’s book The Heart Aroused…

The Disease of Me“The Disease of Me” is a term I first heard basketball player, coach, owner, and general manager, Pat Riley use. Just like basketball, Life is a team sport. Families, work teams, friendships, and society are all made up of a…

Honoring Your Wife by Mastering SelfWhat does honoring my wife truly mean? Well, what work have you done to master yourself, so that in the process of honoring her, you’re also not putting her down with your own insecurities? We all have our own blind…

Measuring My Personal GrowthA limiting factor experienced by business is that only a small number of business leaders make the decision to “know themselves as they truly are.” Most of these leaders may have institutional power, but they cannot accomplish what they cannot…

Emphasizing Our Strengths and Unique AbilitiesWhen collaborating it’s important to emphasize the individual strengths and skills of our team members. Do not get over concerned with their weaknesses. What is their unique approach to problem solving? What skills do they bring to the table? These…

Am I Inadequate?“We’re all imperfect and we all have needs. The weak usually do not ask for help, so they stay weak. If we recognize that we are imperfect, we will ask for help and we will pray for the guidance necessary…

The Power of Business to Revise UsBusiness leadership recapitulates the structure and function of early family life, where power is held in the hands of the adults. Because of this, it recreates an “at-home feeling” in those who feel disempowered and at the same time offers…

“Real Behavior Change”As I continue to read countless business and leadership books, I am struck by a couple of limiting beliefs that I believe to that remain unchallenged: a. It is possible and even important to change people who work in organizations…

No Such Thing As Atheism“Because here’s something else that’s weird but true: in the day-to-day trenches of adult life, there is actually no such thing as atheism. There is no such thing as not worshipping. Everybody worships. The only choice we get is what…

Men need Male CamaraderieIf you ask the average man, “are you lonely?” He’s gonna say, “No, I’ve got my people at work, I’ve got my people at home.ect..” But who do you open up your heart to and who do you pour vulnerability…

Making Money Should be Because of a Bigger PurposeIf you’re just chasing money, it’s going to be very difficult to wake up each morning and be fully motivated. Making money usually is a byproduct of a very higher purpose. Solving a need, solving a problem. If you want…

We Are Not All EqualWe recently spoke with Coach Tom Desotell regarding team building. One of the interesting lessons he highlighted was the importance of recognizing that the team is made of unique individuals with different talents, needs, and backgrounds. “People don’t deserve to…

How Meal Size Affects HealthHave you ever felt lethargic and sleepy after a very large meal? This is likely something almost all of us have experienced many times in our lives. ⠀ And there is a good reason for this! Large meals place extra…

Nature for More CreativityIncorporating elements of nature has proven to enhance our creative thinking. Here are some easy ways we can build nature into our workspaces. 1. Artwork or posters depicting nature can have a positive impact on creative state, as our brains…