Deep Sentinel is the only security system that combines artificial intelligence and machine learning with live guards who monitor video cameras 24/7 to protect your house and family in ways that other security systems can not do.  By pairing AI with live guards, Deep Sentinel can recognize threats faster and prevent dangerous situations before they happen.

What Are People Saying About Deep Sentinel

  • My emerging personal favorite in security systems. Accurate, innovative, exceptionally fast, clear and effective in ways that traditional and conventional security cameras and alarms are not.

  • Used by Exclusivia members, Deep Sentinel combines AI and live guards for an incredible home security experience that is different than most of other home security systems. This combination helps notify authorities significantly faster and with more accuracy.


Artificial Intelligence and 24/7 Live Guards

Deep Sentinel is the only system that combines artificial intelligence with live guards that monitor the video.   Having both gives an incredible advantage in terms of speed, recognition, and crime prevention.

 LiveSentinel Surveillance Guards

Deep Sentinel has real people who monitor your camera footage in real-time and can intervene or call authorities in the event of a problem. This level of service simply does not exist for consumer/residential security systems. 

Artificial Intelligence & Computer Learning

Artificial Intelligence adds speed and precision to eliminates noise that is irrelevant to a homeowner and only focus on what matters most.  

Live Guards To Prevent Crime

Deep Sentinel is the only home security technology that delivers the experience of a personal guard on every customer’s home. Deep Sentinel’s 24/7 guards review and respond to alerts, this ensures that any suspicious activity is identified within seconds and crime can be stopped before it happens


Deep Sentinel is proactive in preventing crime before it happens.  Other security systems tend to be reactive: they wait for an alarm to go off meaning someone already broke in. 

Different Than Other Camera Systems

Other security cameras require users to self-monitor. What happens if they are busy and a suspicious activity occurs? Deep Sentinel provides professional surveillance 24/7. 

No False Alarms

Most house alarms are false alarms and classified as low priority by law enforcement. A system that eliminates those false triggers with AI and human intervention means a high priority response when alarms do go off. 

100% Verified Police Escalation

Deep Sentinel surveillance agents can report a verified crime-in-progress, providing law enforcement officers with crucial details before they even arrive at the scene.   

Fastest Police Response Times

With zero false alarms and live eyes on the crime, police are quick to respond to Deep Sentinel. They will notify the appropriate authorities within 20-30 seconds, compared to an average of 8 minutes with other providers.